Monday, April 02, 2007

Ecotopia is an international gathering of young people from all over Europe involved or interested in environmental and social justice issues. Ecotopia takes place every summer since 1989, each year in a different country. It is organised by EYFA (European Youth For Action) and by a local grassroots environmental organisation as host organisation. This year, the 19th edition will take place in Portugal.

Ecotopia is a place for learning, exchanging experiences and spreading information about environmental, social, political and other issues. Around 200 - 600 people attends Ecotopia each year, to share skills and discuss about a wide range of themes related to environmental problems: climate change, transport and mobility, GMOs, organic food, eco-building and sustainable infrastructure, global politics and global economic system, strategies for actions, experiences of campaigns, alternative media, migration, racism and xenophobia, cultural issues, influence on and of people...

Ecotopia is also a functional model of self-sustainable community that puts into practice the principles of an environmentally friendly life-style: waste recycling, vegetarian kitchen, consensus decision-making, the use of alternative energy...Where possible, Ecotopians participate in regional actions and clean ups, try to get local people interested in ecological problems and empower local organizations.

Ecotopia is horizontally and self- organised; everyone is asked to take part in runnig the camp, solving problems and decision-making. And everybody is responsible for creating the programme!

Ecotopia operates on the ecorates system - an alternative economic system based on living standards and income of people rather than financial markets, which means that you pay for food at Ecotopia the same amount as you would pay for it in your own country.

- Grupo de Acção e Intervenção AmbientalFaculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia2829-516 CaparicaPortugalPhone/Fax: (+351) 212949650E-mail:
- European Youth For ActionMinahassastraat 1PO Box 941151094 GC AmsterdamThe NetherlandsPhone: +31 [0]20 665 7743Fax +31 [0]20 692 8757E-mail: