Friday, June 15, 2007

Hi everybody, i´m Thiago from Brazil, especificly from Amazonas.
I went for the G8 seminar anti summit haveing no idea of what i will find there, because i just knew about this meeting two weeks before the travel, so when i got in berlin and find the GYG group and all the organization and ideology that they develop it makes me feel more alive and more absorded about the globals problems. What really touch me was the huge group of young people of all the world together to fight, to try to change and show that we care about the ways that the world is going.
So this expirience for me was not just a seminar but in fact a awake of my concious, my spirit, and my knowleged about the world concerns.
Other thing that i admired of the some participants is that they makes of the Green Party a ideology and a way of life.
So folks, I am watting for evebody here in Brazil for the next Global meeting.

1 comment:

Ana Motta said...

Dear Thiago, it makes me really happy to see how the event has touched you directly on your heart! The same happened to me in Australia when I was also representing Brazilian Young Greens and your happiness make me also really happy!
Batteries loaded, let's join forces to our event in Brazil!
Um beijo,
Ana Motta